Horoscopes + Writing
May 2024 Rising Sign Horoscopes
Mars signifies efforts, assertion, conflict, and the Aries and Scorpio house topics of your chart. By mid-April, Mars was separating from Saturn, and so moving further away from sources of delay or other struggle. Mars will break completely away from the currently-clouded waters of Pisces on April 30th when they enter Aries. This will be reflected as an increase in pacing as May unfolds.
Rising Sign Horoscopes Early-Mid April 2024
I suspect that likewise, the pace will slowly increase, or we will slowly start to surmount challenges over the last half of April, with more action happening in May.
Scorpio Season and Problems
In this Scorpio season in particular, with Mars retrograde, problem-solving is the name of the game.
Hellenistic Void of Course Moon
There is more than one definition for the Void of Course Moon across various astrological traditions. One of the less common versions is happening soon!
Virgo New Moon
Virgo Season is upon us and so I thought I’d address the upcoming Virgo New Moon and wax poetic about the Virgo-Pisces axis
Leo Season
While I see the potential for glittery vibes, Leo isn’t in a vacuum. Mars, Uranus, and Saturn add a lot of tricky terrain to navigate. When it comes to making yourself heard this Leo Season, we may be better served by a more gentle approach than I usually enjoy during Leo season.
Sun-Rahu Conjunction
This is a great example of how Rahu speaks of increase and confusion. More isn’t always better.
Mercury and Gemini Season
The upcoming Gemini New Moon is designed for second chances and applying the knowledge we’ve gained. As Hermes is allowed to pass between both upper and underworlds freely, they can help us along to the next leg in our own journey.
Libra Full Moon Horoscopes
This Libra Full Moon is not about caring about yourself more than others, -or- caring about others more than yourself. It's about finding a healthy balance or reciprocity between the two that works for both parties. Balancing the fire of volition with consideration of all the potential results.
Aries New Moon and the Mars Saturn Conjunction
The Aries New Moon has us filled with the spirit to begin, to express ourselves authentically as we forge a path ahead.
This effervescent energy is reporting to Mars, asking for guidance only to receive a solemn list of conditions and limitations.