Scorpio Season and Problems

Problems. Sigh

I don't know about you, but this is usually my response to being posed with a problem. I think most of us don't love problems. At the same time, there's a special satisfaction that can only come from working through it to the other side. 

Today I'm going to riff on this tweet by @the_wilderless because in doing so, it actually left me feeling empowered(1). I thank them for their inspiring insight. Likewise, I hope it will leave you feeling more empowered or energized to tackle your problems as well. Know that I am not an etymological expert whatsoever, so this may be cringe if you are, but allow me to play around with words!

The Astrology

In this Scorpio season in particular, with Mars retrograde, problem-solving is the name of the game. This is a season ruled by Mars who is the nature of the Square aspect. Mars and squares can signify many things, including potential difficulties and the effort to surmount them. Similarly, oppositions which are of the nature of Saturn are a different flavor of problem. I see both Mars and Saturn reflected in the definitions and translations below.

Scorpio can be a place of deeply entrenched, complex challenges. Scorpio can signify the kind of situations where we find ourselves painted into a corner, too big to fail, or seemingly too deep to dig out. Scorpio also has the tenacity, endurance, and intelligence to overcome all of these conditions. The process of overcoming a challenge many times leaves us with confidence, another Mars thing. Or we are left with priceless experience, a Saturn thing.

In this way, I truly believe that squares and oppositions don't have to result in "bad things" for a chart. Over time, they can become a source of great strength and confidence in our lives depending on how we approach them.

Where did Problem come from?

The word problem can be followed back to Proto-Hellenic "prógʷlāmə", equivalent to προβάλλω "probállō",  πρόβλημα "próblēma", from προ- (pro-, “in front of”) + βάλλω (bállō, “to throw, to cast, to hurl”) which can be translated to (2,3):

“I throw before”

“to throw or lay something in front of someone"

"to put forward”

“anything thrown forward, hindrance, obstacle, anything projecting, a headland, promontory”

"a task, that which is proposed, a question"

"fence, barrier"

"anything put before one as a defense, bulwark, barrier, screen, shield, wall"

Later in history, from Latin and Old French we can glean the translations:

"a difficult question proposed for discussion or solution"

"a riddle; a scientific topic for investigation"


Cool… Words. How is this dry history lesson empowering again?

The word "Problem" is so loaded now, that simply hearing it makes some of our brains want to stop. It triggers learned failure in many of us. Instead, thinking of the situation as Something-In-Front-Of-Me, leaves things more open-ended and definitely more neutral. Words matter to our brains. This all may seem contrived, but I do believe tiny changes in how we speak about things internally to ourselves matters.

This thing in front of me could be an opportunity.

It could be a gift.

It could be so many things.

It's just a thing thrown in front of me. I can choose so many ways to engage with what is in front of me! Think about a physical object thrown in your way; many of us would simply pick it up and move it without a second thought. Think about a barrier in front of you; we just walk around it or climb over it.

*dusts hands* Problem solved!

These simple hypotheticals require one action to resolve the issue. The trouble for me seems to arise most intensely when resolutions to issues in front of me require MULTIPLE STEPS. It takes the Scorpionic skills of patience, strategy, and timing to overcome complex problems. Patience is also a Saturn thing; delayed gratification (Saturn) after sustained effort. Discipline (Saturn) to overcome problems over long periods of time (also Saturn).

Maybe that thing in your way is really heavy. Maybe that barrier is too tall to just climb over. Then we need to consider multiple steps. We need to go to the hardware store, buy a ladder, go back home, put the ladder up (maybe call upon a friend to hold the ladder steady), and THEN finally climb over the wall. This is the classic breaking down of the big problem into smaller, more approachable challenges. We can do it. AND it doesn't have to be a bad thing. AND it can even be something cool. A gift if you will.  It just takes some thinking and patience.

And that's it. That was my point!

Scorpio time is perfect for calling on these skills inside of us. We may need to call upon them many times between now and Mars' direct station on 1/12/2023.

On a nerdy astrological side note for my students:

The word ‘headland’ and ‘promontory’ stuck out to me (pun intended), because it sounds so much like the vibe of the angles in an astrological chart. The angles (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Subterranean place), are the highest "energy" places in the chart. The angles are points of metaphorical height, and strength. Planets near or on the angles are themselves prominent (for better or worse). In consult I liken these places to being on top of a hill, which is itself a way of describing a promontory.

Each angle is at a square to the last, and at each square we meet around the chart we must pivot to stay on the circular path. Planets on or close to these angles are goaded along by the energy contained there. This has Mars energy written all over it and I loved seeing that in the etymology of the word "problem".


  1. Inspired by a tweet from a wise twitter friend




And speaking of problems, here are some handy dandy conflict navigation resources to listen to before the Sun, Mercury, and Venus enter Sagittarius and oppose Mars for several weeks:

If you got this far, thank you! Enjoy a 12% off discounted tutoring session or new client service by using the code SAGITTARIUS12 when you book!


Mercury Trine Uranus


Aries, Libra, and Perfectionism