Finding balance amidst storms

The Storm

Many people talk about how being more aware [of reality] makes you increasingly depressed. See also the idea that ignorance is bliss, etc.

And it’s true in my experience. The more one sees how the world works and the complexity of navigating and changing how the world works, the more one sees the incalculable amount of suffering existing in ourselves and around the world, the more easily it is to be taken over by dread, depression, and nihilism/apathy. To be with the true pain of it all requires massive strength of heart. Given the difficulty, we see how easy it is for folks to close their hearts and turn toward apathy or passivity. The discomfort of being with reality is itself very real.

The Balance

My favorite response to this comes from Thanissaro Bhikkhu. In my own summary, awareness of our own and others’ suffering can leave us with feelings of terror and hopelessness. But that awareness of what is difficult is meant to be paired with a confidence that there’s a way out, or purpose/action toward something better.

Too much confidence can lead to complacency/passivity, too much hopelessness/terror can lead to depression. We need to find balance between the two. In moments of fear, dread, or hopelessness, we can remember where there is help, hope, or an action to take in despite the presence of fear. You can listen to him more fully discuss this balance here (12 min listen).

Thích Nhất Hạnh on a similar kind of balance:

“On the one hand, we need to be in touch with what is wonderful because that will nourish us.

On the other hand, we have to be in touch with our suffering, so that we can understand, love and transform.”

In the month ahead, may we all find some moments of balance between being with what is difficult and also with what is joyful or supportive. A balance between seeing clearly what is happening, and also seeing clearly the way through, to a more loving present and future.



I will not be told grief is a variant of love