Aries New Moon and the Mars Saturn Conjunction

The Aries New Moon has us filled with the spirit to begin,

to express ourselves authentically as we forge a path ahead. This effervescent Sun and Moon reported to Mars, asking for guidance. While we might have hoped to receive a green light of "all clear ahead", instead we get a solemn list of conditions and limitations to obey. Despite our ambitions meeting barriers, Mars is in a place able to come up with solutions if we're patient enough to endure their execution.  I hope no one runs into outright rejection out there if you’re pursuing something important, but I have a sense that with the ruler of the Aries New Moon meeting Saturn, we may feel impeded in our ability to embark swiftly into the sunset. Think of the houses that contain Aquarius and Aries in your chart for clues as to the house themes involved in this sextile. Given it is a sextile, whatever Mars and Saturn agree upon, it could result in something constructive if we intentionally put in the effort. 

Whatever we're starting or intending to start, it may require assertiveness, honesty, or bravery. We may also be required to confront the pain of separation, of going off on our own, or out of our comfort zone. Chiron in Aries adds the notion that we are learning, healing, or growing, even if it doesn't feel comfortable. Like the heroes trained by Chiron, we must struggle through challenges to come into being.

  • What challenges can you think of (especially in Aries) that have shaped your identity? 

  • What suffering has allowed you to now be of help to others? 

  • Can that inspire us if the path ahead is rocky?

Sometimes being a unique individual, means sacrificing a sense of belonging (at least temporarily). Very scary stuff. Sometimes it means running up against others' values (enter Libra Full Moon).  In either case, we can still find a space for us and the other. And I think we need to based on this TED talk. Part of being able to navigate the self and the other skillfully is understanding boundaries and how to apply them in our lives. As the old adage goes, boundaries are meant to keep people in our lives, not to keep them out. Boundaries help us create a safer scaffolding for relationship to take place.

Sometimes it is us who has to act as Saturn and enforce those conditions or limitations in order to embody our true self.  As we approach April 4th - 5th, when this aspect between Mars and Saturn is strongest, remember that it's also ok to pause, stop, say no, or enforce a boundary. 

Alternatively, if you're Mars, (and as long as you're being wholesome) remember that meeting a barrier doesn't necessarily mean the plan or path is wrong. It just means we need to be patient while we make adjustments. The nature of Mars is what helps define a square aspects, and square aspects require adjustment and engagement with the tension or problem. Sometimes life is like that. We may have to adjust our plans slightly, but again, it doesn't mean the dream or vision is wrong.  Meeting this resistance doesn't mean we need to abandon ourselves or our plans, but it can mean we must persevere in advocating for ourselves through the discomfort. This feels like the initiatory fires we walk through that only embolden us when we find ourself on the other side.

Mars meeting Saturn speaks to the responsibility required to pursue things in our own way, perhaps without the help of others. Independent paths, though sometimes necessary, can be lonely. 

This Mars Saturn conjunction is a cycle resetting that brings to mind:

  • hard work in service of maintaining those systems, structures, relationships in life that can progress if provided the right conditions

  • severing and/or resetting those systems, structures, relationships in life that are realistically not going to progress

Once we know the limitations, parameters, containers, timelines, resources available, then we can move forward. 

Once we have committed or separated, then we can move forward. 

The Martial heat might render Saturn less rigid, allowing for change more easily. But Mars will also be cooled by his application to Saturn, making him less effective at acting, severing, or changing the aforementioned structures/systems/ordering. Saturn is the greater malefic in his own sign, so I'm going to have to bet on Saturn having the final say with this one. Saturn has the ability of  rejecting, auditing, or delaying relationships, creative endeavors. It may be a time where it is difficult to maintain alignment with your values. I say these last few things because Venus is co-present and in the room with most of the conjunction adding her significations to what this log-jam is about. In any event, Mars will have to decide how to respond to Saturn.

Mars meeting Saturn can simply reflects hard work that brings us to our limit, but also to our mastery. We can choose to take on that work, but before doing so I would recommend your heart be on fire for it. Otherwise the weight of Saturn will prevail.

Good luck with this one my friends, I know I'll need it!


Libra Full Moon Horoscopes


Mercury in Aries