The Eclipses + Venus Cycle

Hello, from the other side of that wild pair of eclipses, my friends! I stayed up late watching it through my binoculars and I saw an OWL fly by, I couldn't believe it! Mark your calendar for about five months from now, when the next set of eclipses takes place in May. We should be able to look back to this time and see how our recent beginnings and endings have transpired. We will soon bid farewell to the nodes in Sagittarius and Gemini, moving away from our last 18 months of archetypal themes regarding faith and skepticism, expectations and explorations. Instead we will turn our attention to aversions and attachments of Scorpio and Taurus.

As usual, the middle-road of "everything in moderation" applies well to these spectrums of experience. Too much faith and our missions go unquestioned; too much skepticism leaves us entangled in a web of meaningless information or pointless reverie. The truest faith is one that has endured critical inspection; the most useful information is that which has been put together into a cohesive or meaningful idea (we can thank good ole' Joseph Goldstein for this perspective I share). My own opinion is that the nodes help bring us back to balance on these matters by showing us the extremes. 

I'm only beginning to think about the Scorpio/Taurus axis and how that will relate to our collective aversions/attachments. What we abhor and what we adore tend to drive us through our days in ways large and small, so the next 18 months will be interesting.

The Sky and Venus

We have Mars now in Sagittarius, goading us to act on our dreams or embody our beliefs. Mercury has stepped down off their soapbox and entered the more restrained, dry-witted sign of Capricorn. I've listed some Venus-Pluto dates of interest below, but also heads up on another important part of that plot line: Mercury will be joining those heavier stories December 27th though the 30th. If you haven't had the words or understanding to navigate challenges with relationships, values, or vices, Mercury will be there to (hopefully) help untangle us on those days. 

I want to leave you with a quote that’s helped me a lot the last few months. One fit for our lustrous Queen, Venus, in the unforgiving lands of Capricorn as she confronts Pluto, the lord of the underworld. This comes from Yung Pueblo’s book Clarity and Connection, p54:

“letting go does not mean you have given up, and it does not mean you no longer care. it just means that you are releasing the attachments of the past that get in the way of your happiness and mental clarity. letting go is the unbinding and disentangling of old behavior patterns that pull you into unnecessary mental tension and worry. when you can be okay with things not having gone a certain way, life begins again. Making peace with the past opens you up to love and adventure and allows you to apply the lessons you have learned with a new calmness.”

Happy Navigating <3

Venus Cycle Dates to watch/reflect on:

  • 11/18/2021 Entered shadow, passing the degree where she will eventually station direct

  • 12/11/2021 Conjunction with Pluto 1 of 3

  • 12/19/2021 Retrograde station

  • 12/25/2021 Conjunction with Pluto 2 of 3

  • 12/30/2021 Venus disappears behind the beams of the Sun as an evening star

  • 1/8/2022 Inferior Conjunction with the Sun signaling the start of a new cycle for Venus

  • 1/18/2022 Venus reemerges out of the beams of the Sun as a morning star

  • 1/29/2022 Direct station

  • 3/2/2022 Leaves shadow, passing the degree where she stationed retrograde

  • 3/3/2022 Conjunction with Pluto 3 of 3

Image created by me using

[Image Description: Digital art created by me via Artificial Intelligence - Ethereal dark blue/green sky behind a snowy mountain. Warm pink and gold lights glow from the horizon behind the mountain. Low resolution blobs that sort of look like people are trudging under the mountain by some blobs that sort of look like pine trees.]

If you want to dive into your personal chart and work with me one-on-one, see my offerings here (or skip the descriptions and book here)!


Saturn in Aquarius and Doubt


Mercury in Sagittarius