Scorpio Full Moon

Mars newly in Cancer, rules over this watery fixed-sign full Moon in focused Scorpio. Water is the medium through which we most commonly perceive or express emotion, but Scorpio tends to be private, and this configuration is not readily at ease to share their inner world with just anyone.  Perhaps the mutual reception of Moon and Mars occupying each other’s homes will let the expression flow with more ease (for better or worse).  

I witness full Moons as a time of high activity, sharing, disseminating a creation or idea, and all of those very outward expressions fit in with so much light. However full Moons can also happen inside, without many waves made in the form of personal epiphanies or breakthroughs.  The waters of Scorpio are so deep they may bely the amount of emotional activity below.  Find a trusted adult to share your burdens or thoughts with if you’re feeling the pressure underneath your crabshell. 

With all the change and adaptation, especially for those with fixed sign emphasis in their chart, this time highlights some of the results or outcomes of recently made changes.  Taurean light shines on what we’ve been doing consistently. Has that consistency paid off, or are long standing structures and habits holding you back? Uranus has been signaling radical change, and this lunation is an audit of sorts. Whatever we tune into helps us adjust our behaviors accordingly. 

The Moon in Scorpio draws our attention to what motivates us, so take this time to ensure that your Scorpio waters are circulating in a healthy manner, and not stagnating or obsessing over one particular person, place, or thing. Feel your dang feelings, be honest with yourself about why you feel them, without judging yourself. That’s how we process. If we don’t, the waters stagnate, we feel stuck, or we unwittingly get pulled to focus on something that has overstayed its welcome.

Make a small amount of time for yourself to be still amidst this activating lunation.

I heard a great quote the other day that fit the watery themes:

“The moment we decide to stop and look at what is going on (like a swimmer suddenly changing course to swim upstream instead of downstream), we find ourselves battered by powerful currents we had never even suspected – precisely because until that moment we were largely living at their command.”

– Stephen Batchelor

Maybe this is why the liminal space we enter when we start a Big Change can feel so chaotic and scary. It’s easier to keep one’s head down and continue to move with a current. It’s easy to be unaware of the full nature of the current we’re in, moving along with it, part of the chaos of ceaseless motion. 

Maybe stopping and getting slapped by said currents is the first clear-eyed view of the situation and its affect. We get new information about ourselves to help make choices, and validation to stop gaslighting about the strength of those currents.

With that, I hope this full Moon is an illuminating one for you, making as many or few waves as you like. <3

Image Description:

A dark teal night sky behind a light orange full Moon, ghosting and layering of the image and vignetting, making it look more abstract and moody.


Saturn-Uranus: A Letter to the Editor


Mars in Cancer