
I use both ancient and modern astrological techniques, strengthened by a solid conceptual foundation of Hellenistic astrology.

I consider relevant historical contexts of the times and places in which these techniques were developed. It’s important to understand the minds and culture woven into the astrology we use, so that we can relate it to the present moment in the most helpful ways possible.

Our birth chart points to our potential, our hidden internal worlds, and how they interact with our external worlds. Understanding the shape and cycles of our life can help us find the path of least resistance, and one that is filled with purpose.

If your path is dimly lit, I have a flashlight!

Commitment to Inclusive Care

I am committed to cultivating spaces that are as welcoming as possible for those of marginalized identities. Feedback of any kind is welcomed and highly valued. Your pronouns, boundaries, and concerns will be respected.

The Small Business Pledge (created by Rachel Rodgers) has been a rubric for me in my own growth, and illustrates the standards I will hold for this website, my online presence, and my practice.

Accessibility: I am available by phone, especially for anyone without their desired level of privacy/internet access at home. If it’s helpful, I send photos of your chart ahead of time. For those who are Deaf or hard of hearing, Zoom has closed captioning which we can use in consult. This also produces a transcript that can be sent after the consult as well. Please let me know of anything I can do in the intake form or via email in making the reading experience work best for you.

Sliding Scale:

$60-$100 (75 min); $30-$50 (45 min) - Pay any amount within this range that feels sustainable for you

Available for those who:

have experienced or face systematic/other oppression or violence due to gender, race, religion, place of origin, sexual orientation, are living with disability, immigrants or displaced people, victims of the the US prison/”justice” system, veterans, single parents, sex workers, those affected by care-giver burden, those in poverty or struggling with basic needs, or of any other marginalized identity not mentioned here. No questions asked.

I offer a sliding scale because I believe astrology is such a helpful tool that it should be accessible to everyone, and it is also my opportunity to give back using the skills I have.

Send me an email at to set up a session.

I can’t wait to read with you!

My Story


Claire Moon is a stage name 

from my time as an artist and dancer, and it stuck! My real name is Bri (she/her), which you can totally call me. I respond to both equally these days. Hello and welcome!

I grew up on a small farm outside a small town in so-called Minnesota, Bdewakantunwan/Mdewakanton and Wahpekute lands*. I’ve always loved the sky as an amateur observer, however it wasn’t until much later that I began learning and appreciating the ancient language within it. 

Prior to finding astrology, my life was mostly science and art. I briefly studied secondary education before changing to molecular biology, eventually completing my PharmD in 2013 at the University of Wisconsin. I then completed a community-based residency in which I worked with health-system administration, public health efforts, and performed independent research on asthma therapy prescribing patterns at a local clinic (unpublished despite efforts).

In 2018 after several years in independent community pharmacy, I began focusing on oncology and disorders of the immune system, guiding patients through chemotherapy and other invasive therapeutic modalities requiring higher levels of guidance and support.

Pharmacy has allowed me to see more of the human condition than I ever imagined I would, and in a relatively short amount of time. I have had the honor of witnessing years-awaited relief, as well as unimaginable physical and emotional suffering. I have seen first hand how multi-faceted and complex quality of life can be, which has been both humbling and deeply motivating. I entered pharmacy as a technician in 2008, making 2021 my thirteenth year in the field and ninth year of licensed practice. I resigned from my position March 2021, allowing me to pursue astrology full time. I still maintain my licensure including thirty hours of continuing education every two years.

Astrological Practice and Lineage

I stand on the shoulders of many brilliant people, feeling like a magpie but doing my best to honor their work. I have studied mainly under Chris Brennan, having completed focused training through his Hellenistic and Electional Astrology coursework. My practice has also been heavily shaped by the teachings of Leisa Schaim, Robert Hand, Demetra George, Austin Coppock, Kelly Surtees, Adam Sommer, Samuel Reynolds, Adam Elenbaas, and Jason Holley, amongst many other astrologers I continue to learn from. You will hear their teachings in my practice, and I try my best to cite them when referenced.

I began studying astrology in 2016 when Jupiter entered Libra. I was delighted to find the same level of complexity and nuance in astrology as I did in the complex sciences of physiology and pharmacology. The realization that astrology had very specific and detail-oriented techniques inspired me to open up to this practice. As astrology has continued to demonstrate its value and consistency, my desire to use it to help others has grown. And so, here I am! I began providing readings in September of 2020 and my books continue to be open!

As of mid-2024, I’ve been reading astrology with people professionally for almost four years and look forward to the continued development of my practice. In my free time I like non-fiction books and documentaries, writing essays, star-gazing, pole dance and many other kinds of movement, being by water, and keeping up with my friends and family.

Meditation Practice

My first astrologer, Adam Sommer pointed me in the right direction. In October of 2019 I began self-studying mindfulness and meditation in earnest. Vipassana or insight meditation has since become a focus and large part of my personal spiritual practice. This in turn informs my astrological practice into which I bring my values and aspirations of kindness, non-harming**, and acceptance. My aspiration is guided by my local Sanga and teacher, Janice Cittasubha Sheppard, and teachers in book and spirit, including Ajahn Chah, Thich Nhat Hanh, Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Joseph Goldstein, Diego Perez, Sharon Salzberg, and Dr. Tara Brach. I want to recognize and give gratitude for all of the teachers who helped the Damma/Dharma wheel roll across the oceans to help western-bodied people like myself.

Continuing Education

Being in a caring field means being a life long learner, and it’s non-negotiable that I continue to grow not only in my practice of astrology, but also in my practice of being with people. Pharmacy continuing education credits sometimes focus on counseling skills and cultural awareness, and while I had the opportunity to grow these skills in counseling people on medications and related (un)wellness, I more recently have started supplementing that experience by auditing courses from NICABM, the National Institute for the Clinical and Application of Behavioral Medicine to learn more about trauma, its treatment, and trauma-informed care. While I have experienced trauma and that helps me empathize, this doesn’t qualify me to hold space for others’ trauma. Classes like those from NICABM support my work by helping to prevent avoidable harm in session when special care is required.


I like to explicitly state where I’m coming from in terms of privileges/marginalization, to help people better understand why I might say, think, or do certain things:

  • *My ancestors colonized, and I grew up on, the ancestral and stolen lands of the Očhéthi Šakówiŋ (Seven Council Fires) Dakhóta People, namely those of the Bdewakantunwan/Mdewakanton and Wahpekute Nations. I now gain benefit from living on the ancestral and stolen lands of the Kickapoo, Ho-Chunk, and Meskwaki Nations.

  • I come from a rural, working-class background, and did not live with food insecurity that food stamps didn’t remedy (i.e. I wasn’t hungry)

  • I do not live with physical disability

  • I do not have health insurance

  • I am a white, thin-bodied, queer, cis-woman, and have experienced misogyny and gender-based violence, TDV, and IPV

  • I have education privilege having been able to obtain a doctorate

  • My student loan debt is massive and controls every life-decision I make. #FAFSAwasatrap #thelate2000’swereatrap

  • I do not identify with any religious institution, but grew up in mainstream religious privilege

  • I have no children

**While I aspire toward and value non-harming, realistically this is impossible. The term “safe space” feels like a lie given this reality. Harm is going to happen and we have to know how to best prevent and repair harm when it does happen. The term “brave space” feels more accurate, but discounts the huge amount of & difference in bravery/vulnerability that marginalized people navigate compared to white people (and I haven’t even mentioned the differences in generational trauma). While I do my best to adjust and change as my understanding grows, I also want to explicitly name this dynamic of the space, that will ultimately be relevant with me being a white cis woman trying to meet others with care and respect, and not ignorance or assumptions.

